
Exch – Version Change, Planned Updates

Saturday, 08 December 2007

I posted Exch 1.3.0 for Firefox 3 Beta 1 to addons.mozilla.org. It has to be approved by the people that do the approving over these matters. 😉 Then people can get it updated via the normal channels within Firefox 3 Beta 1.


  • Within install.rdf: Changed the contents from 2.0.0.* to 3.0b1 in the following tag:
  • Within install.rdf: Changed the contents from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 in the following tag:

Planned work for the future:

  • Update the currencies in the Exch form to match those that are at finance.yahoo.com
  • Review code and update where necessary

Planned work for the long term future unless otherwise necessary:

  • Look into some sort of alternative data source for currency information, what if Yahoo stops .csv downloads?





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