reCAPTCHA plugin error messages
Monday, 04 February 2008
By default, on two of my installs of reCAPTCHA Plugin for WordPress – v2.7, I receive no error message if the captcha is entered incorrectly… the user of the weblog is to assume that they made a mistake I guess…
That is until I wrote this script to check for error messages being passed around on the URL by the plugin:
if ( != '') { var searchArray ='&'); for (var i=0; i < searchArray.length; i++) { var searchSubArray = searchArray[i].split('='); if ( searchSubArray[0] == 'rerror' && searchSubArray[1] == 'incorrect-captcha-sol' ) { document.write( '<p>The two words in the picture were typed incorrectly.</p>' ); } } }
Just drop that snippet into your “comments.php” template. When the captcha is filled in incorrectly, the plugin adds “rerror=incorrect-captcha-sol” to the url. This checks for that string, and if found, writes an error message in red.