
Roomba on the prowl

Thursday, 11 November 2010

I find myself in a completely tiled apartment while also having acquired a Roomba 4210. No more constant dirt and pet hair… Though, if I were the iRobot developers, I would quickly add the following features to the low end Roomba…

  • RF remote, instead of the IR remote.
  • Find the dock without fail (use RF, signal strength, and other associated homing technologies).
  • A camera, why can’t I see what Roomba sees?
  • Remote control via mobile (especially WIFI, see: AR Drone).
  • I know the upper models have schedules, but why not the lower end… how about every day at 3am?
  • I’m sure newer models don’t have as many problems, but come on… the lower end shouldn’t get stuck so often on raised areas, underneath desks and dressers, and refuse to start on black carpets…




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