

Wednesday, 05 November 2003

I have set up an RSS feed for this weblog. It will only display the 2 most recent entries, and a link to the archives… For anything more advanced I would have to spend a substantial amount of time setting up a script to do it. As it is, it was pretty easy. Don’t know what RSS is? Read up on it, I think you will like it. It’s basically a way to list content from your favorite weblog/news sites and get easy access to updated information. Check out some free RSS readers… one that I use is called FeedReader. Downloading is simple (Windows… haven’t found a good Linux one yet) and you only have to copy this link (https://content.karlherrick.com/feed/) into a new “channel” in the RSS reader… Walla… you got updated content. Other content can be found at places like Yahoo!. Just look for the little orange box that says XML or RSS and copy and paste the link into your RSS news reader.




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